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Importance of Online Reputation Management For Doctors

Online Reputation Management (ORM) for healthcare practices is all about attracting more patients with the best representation online - using various strategies such as monitoring online reviews, responding to patients feedback, and engaging with patients on social platforms.

Here’s why it’s important:

  • Patients rely heavily on online reviews and ratings to make decisions about their healthcare providers.
  • A positive online reputation can increase patient trust and loyalty.
  • A negative online reputation can lead to a loss of patients and revenue.

Let’s Jumpstart Your Practice Towards Success
Here’s How:

Request Patient Reviews

Send-out automated feedback requests to all your patients right after their appointment visits and get 5-start reviews.

Direct Best Reviews To Google

Zebdoc enables you to automate and push all the positive patient reviews directly to your Google My Business page, for an established online reputation.

Barricade & Convert Negative Reviews

Get a chance to bring back unhappy patients - Obstruct negative reviews and use Zebdoc dashboard to establish direct contact to transform patients perception, experience, and hence their online reviews.

Retain Existing & Attract New Patients

Consistent patient feedback allows you to strengthen your reputation with satisfied patients, as well as rectify your practice’s shortcomings and make timely corrections with unhappy ones - enabling you to retain your patients, along with capturing new appointments.


Our Healthcare Reputation Management Ensures To:

  • Increase patient trust and loyalty
  • Increase patient acquisition and retention
  • Improve online reputation and ratings
  • Enhance online visibility and patient engagement

In today's digital age, a well-established online presence is an essential prerequisite for all healthcare practices. More and more patients rely on the internet to locate and evaluate healthcare providers - Effectively managing reputation management for doctors plays a major role in attracting new patients, as well as retaining the existing ones.

Zebdoc is the perfect practice growth platform that is capable of helping you effectively manage your online reputation, ensuring a positive and prominent online presence.

Partner With Zebdoc Today

Boost Patient Reviews, Enhance Online Presence,
& Increase Patient Retention

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For Successful Online Reputation Management