Patient Engagement Best Practices 2023: Tips For Healthcare Providers

healthcare providers

How committed patients are to their health determines a large part of their well-being. Regardless of how much effort healthcare practitioners expend during an examination room visit or a lengthy procedure in an operating room, a major contributing factor to a patient’s long-term well-being is determined in their own house.

Healthcare professionals can provide better service and achieve long-term effects for their patients by enhancing patient engagement initiatives. Read on to learn about patient engagement, its benefits, and remarkable tactics for increasing patient engagement rates.

Why Patient Engagement Matters?

In healthcare, improving patient engagement is critical. It reduces the stress and load on healthcare physicians while increasing the patient’s overall health.

Here are some of the advantages of involvement:

Increases Customer Retention and Satisfaction:

Patients who participate in their care feel valued and heard. As a result, they are more engaged in their treatment, more satisfied with the service they receive, and more likely to remain loyal to a healthcare provider.

Long-Term Health and Well-Being of Patients is Improved:

When patients are actively involved in their health, they make better long-term decisions about their health and well-being. They are more likely to detect early indicators of illness and disease and seek treatment before they become a problem.

Waste is Reduced : Only engaged patients receive patient education, booklets, or aftercare instructions. While you may offer them medical equipment and resources to aid in their treatment, there is an excellent likelihood that they may need to pay attention to instructions or use the things provided. The exact information provided to engaged patients is used and not discarded.

PPR (Potentially Preventable Readmissions) Are Reduced:

Only some patients follow aftercare guidelines, and as a result, they are more likely to be readmitted within 30 days of discharge.

Lowers Overall Costs:

Patient care requires more time to manage, but it is worthwhile. Automation of technology can help sustain patient volume and throughput while relieving personnel of follow-up calls and appointment reminders.

Engaged patients have a lower no-show percentage and actively plan follow-up appointments. Patients who are not engaged are twice as likely to postpone care and three times as likely to have unmet medical requirements.

Key Strategies For Effective Patient Engagement

Patient participation is a critical component of modern healthcare. It entails cultivating a collaborative and compassionate relationship between healthcare practitioners and patients. Examples of patient engagement strategies are clear communication, shared decision-making, and incorporating patients in their treatment plans. It improves not only health outcomes but also patient satisfaction and compliance.

 Telehealth Revolution:

Telehealth has changed the way healthcare is provided. It enables patients to obtain medical care from a distance, boosting convenience and lowering obstacles to healthcare access. Telehealth visits allow patients to consult with healthcare professionals from their homes, increasing access to care for people who live in distant places or have mobility concerns.

Personalized Patient Journeys:

Recognizing that each patient is unique, healthcare providers increasingly customize treatment programs to meet their specific requirements and preferences. Understanding patients’ circumstances, values, and ambitions is essential for providing more effective patient-centered care.

 Rise of Wearable Technology:

Thanks to wearable technology such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, patients can now check their health in real time. These devices capture information on activities, vital signs, and other factors, allowing patients and healthcare practitioners to make educated decisions and track progress between appointments.

Treat Each Patient Specially:

Every patient’s health journey is unique, and healthcare practitioners are increasingly understanding the value of treating patients as people with varied requirements, backgrounds, and health concerns. This method builds trust, increases communication, and improves healthcare outcomes.

Healthcare Gamification:

Another patient engagement strategy in their healthcare is through gamification approaches such as reward systems and interactive apps. Gamification can improve the enjoyment of health-related chores and encourage patients to stick to treatment plans, exercise routines, and prescription regimes.

Virtual Support Communities:

Patients can interact, exchange stories, and offer emotional support through online patient networks and forums. These groups benefit people suffering from chronic ailments, rare diseases or those seeking guidance and support from others facing similar health issues.

 Enhanced Data Security:

Patient data security is becoming increasingly important as healthcare gets more digitized. To protect sensitive patient information from violation and cyber threats, healthcare providers are deploying rigorous data security procedures.

AI-Driven Insights:

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing healthcare by analyzing massive volumes of patient data to find trends, predict outcomes, and provide personalized treatment suggestions. AI can help healthcare physicians make more accurate diagnoses and treatment decisions.

Focus on Aftercare Relationships:

Long-term health requires post-treatment care and follow-up. Healthcare practitioners emphasize the importance of maintaining relationships with patients following the first treatment to guarantee continuous patient well-being and check for any recurrence or problems.

 Implementing Feedback Mechanisms:

Patient feedback is critical for continual improvement in healthcare service. Implementing feedback mechanisms enables providers to explore areas for improvement and make the required changes to improve the patient experience.

 Make Use of Patient Preferred Communication Tools:

Recognizing that patients’ communication preferences vary, healthcare providers are providing a variety of communication alternatives, such as phone calls, text messages, email, and patient portals, to promote effective and convenient engagement between patients and their healthcare teams.

 Benefits of an Effective Patient Engagement Strategy

In many ways, patient engagement in healthcare helps everyone involved. Understanding how to engage patients is critical to providing efficient and effective care.

Here are the five advantages of using the best tools to promote patient engagement:

  1. Increased Patient Knowledge and Understanding

Learning is crucial, and there are two categories of patients in healthcare, those who bury their heads in the sand and refuse to learn about their condition and those who are hungry for knowledge. The more opportunities a healthcare professional provides their patients to learn and educate themselves about their illness, the stronger the patient-provider connection. Patients who try to participate in their health and healthcare decisions will better understand their condition and its influence on their lives.

  1. Patients Take More Ownership of Their Health

Patients frequently delegate responsibility for their health to their doctor. Patients can take responsibility for their healthcare and do more with the alternatives available to them with continual patient involvement. It is ultimately up to the patient to decide on their care. Still, with a better support structure outside the doctor’s office, they can assume greater responsibility, accepting the care they require. Working together, providers and patients can help to build trust on a deeper level. Patients appreciate anecdotal information from peers who have gone through similar experiences.

  1. Lowering The Cost of Care

Healthcare organizations are under increasing pressure to save costs and provide value, especially as they take on more financial risks for population health management. Effective patient engagement technologies, such as telehealth and remote patient monitoring, improve patient outcomes, which minimize readmission, emergency department use, and overall health system usage, resulting in cost savings.

Engaged patients also require less space, hospital time, and staff attention, freeing up hospital and provider resources. As a result, their total cost of care is reduced.

  1. Enhanced Collaboration

Undoubtedly, more significant outcomes will result from a better provider-patient relationship. Patients are more suited to solve their difficulties when physicians collaborate with them to build a team environment. Engaging patients in their care and decision-making allows the provider to make effective decisions for the benefit of their patients. Patients who feel included feel more empowered, which leads to better compliance. To collaborate effectively, both healthcare providers and patients must be willing to work together.

As a result, when patients need to remember their recovery instructions, they fail to uphold their end of the bargain. Apps benefit both the patient and the practitioner by connecting the common objective and giving a way to communicate instructions and stimulate collaborative healing.

  1. Better Outcomes

Patient engagement’s ultimate purpose is to enhance outcomes. Patients who are educated and interested in their health will have better results. One of the most notable advantages of patient engagement is that their health outcomes improve when patients persistently and adequately engage. A healthy patient equates to a more successful healthcare professional who has a stronger bond with patients and a better grasp of patient care.

Patients can benefit from better patient-to-provider technology and better connections with their physicians if they remain active and feasible throughout their care plan. When these improved outcomes occur, the statistics will show that patient outcomes have improved, all due to a focus on patient involvement.


As healthcare providers, our patient engagement specialists aspire to improve patients’ overall health outcomes. High-quality participation leads to better adherence to treatment plans and better patient engagement. We may achieve this by including patients in their care via technology, patient education, removing barriers, and other means. Increased patient participation benefits both patients and healthcare practitioners professionally and economically.

We can assist you in increasing patient engagement at your practice. This patient engagement platform for enterprises provides simple patient intake and communication, payment collection, custom workflows, and seamless telemedicine. Schedule a demo today to learn how to improve patient engagement in your practice and lead to healthier, happier patients.


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